You Can Be 100% Certain This is God’s Will for You
It’s Really, Really Good
One of the big questions I regularly ask myself is, “Is this God’s will? Is this what God wants me to do?”
As a sincere Christian, I know you pray about most, if not all, your decisions with the same question.
The Bible teaches God has plans for your life, made before He even created the world. (2 Timothy 1:9) You WANT to do God’s plans. You know that is the best way to live and the way to make a lasting difference in the world.
There are several steps we can take to know God’s will, but one of the very best is to use what the Bible clearly says is His will for every one of us.
When we practice this simple, but life-changing process, we’re in a much better place to discern God’s will in things not clearly written in Scripture and live in the life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit..
This is God’s Will for You
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS FOR YOU.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18)
Living a rejoicing, praying, thankful lifestyle is the clearly stated will of God for every believer in Jesus.
Rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks in all circumstances opens our soul to the divine flow of life that God has given us in Jesus. It connects us practically to what God has already given us spiritually in Jesus. (Ephesians 1:3)
And, it gets our minds and hearts in a better place of being able to discern what God’s will is in situations not clearly addressed in the Bible.
Even a Little is Powerful
I’m nowhere near living this way 100% of the time, many days it’s as low as 1% to 5%. On my best days I may hit 70–80%. But even 1% is much, much better than 0.
The Psalmist wrote that one day in God’s house is better than a thousand elsewhere. The same ratio applies to rejoicing, praying, and thanking.
Even spending just 1% of my day rejoicing in God, praying, and giving thanks opens up my soul much more to God than not doing this at all.
I’ve seen repeatedly through the years that when I do those three simple steps, even when I don’t feel like it, most of the time, it has an amazing effect on my soul. It quickly connects me to God and the life He wants me to experience.
God’s Invitation
The message we’ve all heard, probably before we even gave our hearts to God, was “God loves you.”
Like so many of God’s truths, there are limitless levels to this.
To receive the gift of eternal life, at one level, we believe and then experience the love of God.
We’re coming out of a world system that is built completely on conditional love; “if” you act the way we want, perform the way we want, dress the way we want, THEN we will “love” and accept you.
So it takes the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit removing barriers and renewing our minds to help us experience more dimensions of God’s love. Ephesians 3:16–19 even tells us that the love of God is “beyond knowledge.”
In other words, the love God has is even beyond our brain’s capacity to fully grasp. But what an adventure God calls us to. We get to gradually grasp and experience new levels of that healing, empowering, freeing, and celebratory love!
We will have times of pain, sorrow, and suffering in this age. The Bible says there are times to mourn and as members of Jesus’ body; we are to mourn with those who mourn.
But as a general way of life and even in times of sorrow, when we look to Jesus, we can still find ways to rejoice, to pray, and to give thanks…yes, in all circumstances.
This is the will of God for each one of us.
As we practice these things, it connects us and opens our souls to the river of life flowing from God’s throne through the Holy Spirit to us. (Revelation 22, John 7:37–38).
As I’m encouraging myself to make this a way of life, I encourage you as well. Even if you’re on a 1% day, rejoicing in God, praying as a way of life, giving thanks in all circumstances is God’s will, and it releases more of His love and life in you and through you.
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