Two Simple, Biblical, Powerful Ways to Keep Being Filled with the Holy Spirit
Do this anytime you want
The power of the Holy Spirit is essential for living the Christian life. Christlike character is described as “fruit of the Spirit”, (Galatians 5:22–23, ESV). The supernatural talents God gives each believer are called “gifts of the Spirit”. (1 Corinthians 12:7–11, ESV)
It is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us, who teaches us, guides us, and makes us spiritually alive.
Scripture encourages us to “be (continually) filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18b, ESV).
How can we continually be filled with the Holy Spirit?
The next verses give a few simple, powerful practices we can do whenever we want.
1. Verbalize
“psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart” (Ephesians 5:19, ESV)
It can be soft, under your breath, or it can be loud, at full volume or anything in-between
But one of the very best ways to keep being filled with the Spirit is by verbalizing, speaking out loud, and singing spiritual songs from the heart.
It can be short, it can be long. But when we sing songs to God from the heart, it opens our souls wide to God and the Holy Spirit fills us with His refreshing and transforming presence.
2.“Giving thanks always
and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:20, ESV)
The power of thankfulness to God is incredible.
Much research has shown that gratitude increases positivity in people. So there is a lot of teaching these days in secular arenas about having gratitude journals or being grateful for the positives of life.
What’s missing is they’re not being grateful to the One who is the Source of all that is good.
How wonderful it is to thank the One who is the Source of real life.
Verbalizing worship and verbalizing thanks to God opens our soul and is an invitation for the Holy Spirit to fill us with His life-giving presence repeatedly.
God’s Flow in Us
In John 7:37–38a, ESV Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ’Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ (38) Now this he said about the Spirit…”
This is a wonderful picture of how God designed us to live. When we believe in Jesus, we are born again by the Spirit. This gives us the privilege of living a life where the Holy Spirit continually fills us and flows through us like a river.
Verbalize praise and worship from the heart.
Give thanks for all things to God.
Two great ways to keep being filled with the Spirit.
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