The Core Problem and Core Solution to Almost All Spiritual Battles
Two Questions that Will Help You See What’s Really Going On
Life can be complicated. Not every problem can be solved with just a few easy steps. But the core problem and the core solution to many, many issues is very clear and simple. In the next few minutes I want to show you what that core is and what to do about it.
This Theme is Woven Throughout the Entire Bible: from Beginning to End
I know the first few chapters of Genesis have a lot of debate: young earth, old earth, how much is allegory, how much is literal……
But Jesus Himself quoted it as truth, and if He was God in the flesh, then He certainly would know what is true and what is not.
In order to give man free will, to have the ability to choose to love and follow God or not; God put two unique trees in the middle of that wonderful garden. God gave Adam and Eve only ONE “do not do this” command. “Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
All the other instructions were about what they could do….including lots of freedom to make choices and use their creativity and initiative to fulfill their God-given purpose and mission. “Fill the earth with the life and order of God.”
When the enemy came he used the 1–2 punch he has continued for thousands of years now. This combination is still the root of almost every spiritual battle you will ever face.
If you’re a Bible reader, you’ll know the story, but I hope you’ll see in a fresh way how common and deep this tactic continues to operate AND how you can defeat it and win almost all the spiritual battles you face.
Here we go…
The Two Big Issues
Genesis 3:1 “He (the serpent) said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said….?”
Genesis 3:4–5 “The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
There they are, the two big decisions we all continually make and they determine the results we eventually experience.
- Did God really say that?
- Am I going to believe what God said or someone else’s words?
When we realize the #1 spiritual growth factor is how we respond to the word of God, we understand the nature of the battle and what to do.
It is Almost Always About God’s Words
The enemy knows if he can get us to doubt God’s words so we instead believe:
God didn’t really say that
What God said isn’t really true
Then he has won that battle.
Whether it’s about God’s love and goodness, when life begins, gender, family, money, work, or morality….it’s about those 2 issues.
Almost everything in the Christian life is about some aspect of faith. We are saved by faith, not by works. We pray because we believe there is a good God and He hears our prayers. We act in accordance with God’s instructions and guidance because we do, in fact, believe He is good and wise and He knows how we should live.
The enemy, on the on the other hand is a thief. A master of deception and accusation. (John 10:10, Revelation 12:9–10)
When we understand this is the nature of the battle, this is the core, then we know where to focus in order to win.
What does God really say?
Am I receiving it as true?
Jesus Taught It Over and Over Again
When Jesus faced Satan’s direct attacks/temptations in the wilderness He did not respond to the devil with “I’m the Son of God, so get out of here” or “Father, send your angels to fight this snake.”
Instead, with all three temptations, Jesus went back to the written words of God and said to the snake, “It is written.”
Jesus said, “This is what God has said” and “I believe it is true”. He spoke those words to the enemy and his lies. That drove Satan away.
In the parable of the sower, recorded in 3 of the Gospels, Jesus said, “The sower sows the seed, the seed is the word of God.” (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8)
Please note that no plant can ever grow without a seed. You can have the perfect environment, perfect soil, the smartest and best farmer and equipment but there will never be any growth without the seed.
That is why, in that parable, Jesus said the enemy attacks the word.
With God’s seed, there is the possibility of growth.
Without God’s seed, there is no possibility of growth.
First he tries to quickly steal it, so it doesn’t have a chance to get down in the soil of our hearts and start growing roots. If that doesn’t work, he tries to drive the word out of our hearts by pressure. If that doesn’t work, then he tries to choke the word by getting us to shift our focus on the wrong things.
But it’s all about stopping us from receiving and holding on to what God says is true.
God’s word will produce God’s life. God’s word is His seed. It will grow and drive out wrong attitudes, thought patterns and actions. It is living and powerful and will accomplish all God sends it to do.
God and His word are one. “The word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14). “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)
Stop and Think About Who’s Words You Are Listening To
Remember, Satan is a master of deception. From the beginning, continuing on today he uses different voices to challenge what God says and to try to get us to believe words that are contrary to God’s.
He uses philosophy, force, bad science, religion, celebrities, teachers, politicians, experts, loved ones, friends, enemies…..And because he has a lot of experience and expertise, he is often successful.
But when you know the nature of the battle, and this really is the core of the battle almost all the time. You have a big, big advantage.
Paul wrote that we know the strategies of the enemy. We know he attacks God’s word and is an expert in making it seem like:
- God didn’t really say that
- What God said isn’t true
All you have to do to win is:
- Study Scripture so you know what God really said
- Receive it as true and keep believing it is true.
Take those 2 steps and you will win over 90% of the spiritual battles you are facing.
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