The Biblical Foundation for Doing Great Work
If You’re a Jesus Follower, You Can Do Great Work
You are designed by God to do great work!
I’m putting together a course on how to do great work as a Christian. I already had pages of notes from years of study on this subject, but decided to simply use Blue Letter Bible to look up the words work and works.
I wasn’t surprised that the Bible had a lot to say about work, but I was surprised at how much it had to say about it. I didn’t even look up related words like labor, action, manage, etc. (which are all emphasized in Scripture). Just the words work and works had around 400 references.
“Oh, Yes” or “Oh, No”
Realizing that probably brings up one of those two reactions: positive, “Yes” because I love to work. Or “that stinks, because I endure my work.”
According to Gallup, for the last few decades around 80% of the workforce either tolerates or hates their job. So, if you’re bummed out by the Bible’s emphasis on work, I get it. (I hope to have some words of encouragement for you soon.)
If, however, you are doing work you find rewarding, then hearing the Bible’s emphasis on work is great news. You can work hard and know you’re following God’s plan; right?
Human Beings Not Human Workings
If you’re a Bible reader, you know that work matters, but it isn’t everything. According to Rick Warren of Purpose-Driven Life fame, there are 5 main purposes God has given us: work is one of the five. I agree with him.
God’s plans for us include great work, but are not only about what we produce. God’s purpose also include:
Relationship with God
Personal Growth and Development
Love-driven Relationships
Jesus-led Mission AND
Important Work
All of those make up the abundant life, the purpose-driven life Jesus taught.
The Foundation for Great Work
I was surprised how often the Bible talks about God working. Phrases like “the work of His hands”, “God’s works”, “the work of God” were written about. If we looked up all the other action words/work words about God (i.e. created, did, does, acted, etc.) it would be thousands of times.
In other words, God works, God is action-oriented.
And we are created in His image to be mini-creators, managers, artists, builders, farmers, athletes……
The very first words God spoke to any human being were purpose-driven work words, “Be fruitful and multiply: fill the earth and subdue it….” (Genesis 1:26–28)
The Bible also says that God BLESSED Adam and Eve with those words. Doing God-ordained, God-glorifying, Positive work is a blessing from God, letting us do some of the things He Himself does (on a much, much smaller scale).
It’s In Your DNA
God hard-wired certain things into us as beings created in His image.
The desire for meaning.
The need for relationships.
The longing for Himself.
The hunger for happiness and love.
The drive to do something with our lives.
These are all built into us because we are created in the image of God. We are created from God and for God, for purpose and on purpose to live great lives, have great relationships and do great work.
This Is Where It Starts
As I said, the Bible talks A LOT about work. I’ll be writing more about it for the next few weeks, because it is such an important topic; especially for people who want to make the most of the time God gives on this planet.
It starts here. Realizing that one of the Pillar Purposes God gave us is important work. God has good works prepared for you to do that He put in His plans before He created the world. (Ephesians 2:10, 2 Timothy 1:9).
Once you internalize that truth, you’re ready to discover what He created you to do and then how to do it with excellence to glorify Him, build His kingdom, and help people.
If you are interested in learning more about doing the great work God has called you to do take a look at
If you are interested in Positive Productivity Coaching go here: