More Joy Through God’s Promises
God’s Promises can Become a Major Joy Booster When Used Well
The Bible teaches we live in a fallen world so we all experience some hardship and suffering. It also teaches we can have joy even when going through difficulties. Using God’s promises well is one of the best ways to increase your joy level quickly.
The Divine Nature in Us
The Apostle Peter wrote some of the most powerful, life-giving words in history shortly before His death.
“seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature….” (2 Peter 1:3–4)
There are at least 10 powerful lessons in these two verses, but I want to stick with the highlighted words, “by them.”
In the spiritual realm God has already given us everything that has to do with both life and godliness, that includes joy. In the spiritual dimension you and I already have all the joy we will ever need to live abundant lives and godly lives.
So how do we access that already given joy? “By them”, by God’s precious and magnificent promises.
The promises of God give us the life and joy of God.
God’s Promises Come Directly Out of His Glory
The words of God not only give us God’s truths and thoughts, but they also carry His life and power.
Verse 3 teaches us those amazing realities that God has already given us everything we need and that those blessings come through us knowing Jesus. It also tells us that Jesus called us to Himself out of “His own glory and excellence.”
God didn’t call you and me out of obligation or because He felt sorry for us. No, this tells us that God called us to Himself out of His glory and excellence. God’s glory is more than our minds can comprehend and His excellence is at a level unmatched anywhere.
But we are not only called to Him by His glory and excellence, but also notice the beginning of verse 4 which takes us to God’s wonderful promises.
vs. 4 “For BY THESE He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises….”
Out of God’s own nature, out of His own glory and excellence flow His amazing, wonderful, life-giving promises. His promises flow out of His incredible nature in complete harmony and alignment with His greatness.
God’s Promises are An Extension of His Person and His Will
Since God and His Word are one (John 1:1) and since His promised words come directly from His perfect nature, His glory and His excellence; it makes sense that through those promises we could experience His divine nature.
In John 15:11 Jesus said that He spoke words to His disciples so that “My joy may be in you and your joy may be full.”
There’s that divine nature idea again: we are designed to have the joy of Jesus, joy that is from God. Joy that is greater than the challenges of the world or the spiritual attacks of the enemy.
Jesus said that through His words, we can experience His joy, and our joy can be full. We can literally be full of joy through the Words of Jesus, the promises of God.
How to Turn the Promises Into Reality
I teach often about godly cycles because cycles are how so many things in God’s kingdom work, and that includes receiving God’s promises and God’s joy.
Quickly, here is how “the promises into reality” cycle most often works.
- We read God’s promise.
- We make a decision. We can either say “yes” to it, “no” to it or ignore it (which is a form of “no.)
What helps us say “yes” to God’s promise and “no” to unbelief is reminding ourselves that God cannot lie, God backs what He says, and God’s words are an expression of Himself.
3. We then say “yes” to God’s promise and by faith receive it, before we see it happen or experience it.
Mark 11:24 Jesus told us to believe we have received it and then it would be granted. Believe before seeing or experiencing is how many of the promises become ours.
4. Then we take steps to keep the promise alive in our hearts as we wait for it to impact our soul. Hebrews 6:12 tells us that by faith and patience we inherit the promises. Soak your mind and soul in joy producing Scriptures.
This is where the faith battle happens. Our emotions might not change quickly. Researchers tell us that unless God does an instantaneous miracle, it takes on average 63 days for new responses and habits to become dominant in our brain.
5. Keep thanking God that His word is true, even if you don’t yet feel new joy. Speaking His promises over your life, seeing yourself in your mind being and acting according to the promise, and taking actions to be joyful are great things to do in this waiting and soul formation time.
- Don’t beat yourself up if you have a bad day or have doubts. Working through doubts is part of the faith-building process. Remember, there is never any condemnation at all for everyone who has received Jesus. (Romans 8:1)
6. If you realize you need more support to experience your joy increase then take the appropriate steps. It might simply be getting a prayer and accountability partner, the support of small group, or a counselor to work through past experiences and issues.
At whatever level you can, trust that God’s word is working in your soul and will eventually do what God sends it to do. (Isaiah 55:11)
Through God’s promises you can experience real, authentic increases in your joy level.
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