How to Use Comparison Positively
Our World Runs on Comparison; Here’s how to Deal with It
All kinds of famous people tell us to avoid comparing ourselves to others.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt
“We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose.” Bob Goff
“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” Steve Furtick
I agree with them, kind of.
Comparison Can Suck
Comparing ourselves to others can steal our joy, distract us, make us feel insecure, and worse.
Unless we are the absolute best at something in the entire world, there will always be someone better than us at what we do.
So if my self-worth or how my business or ministry or car or home compares to someone else’s, and if there’s is better than mine, then I’m quickly depressed.
That’s why these famous people tell us “do not compare yourself with others.”
The World is Set Up on Comparison
The problem is so much of life is built on comparison.
When I go on-line to purchase an item, I compare it to other items and then choose one over the other. I compare.
When I consider which plumber to call, I compare them and then make a decision. I compare.
When trying out for a sports team, or to get into a university, or get a job….I am being compared to other people. Based on who they consider better, they choose. I am compared by others.
I compare people and products and I am being compared by others. There is no getting away from it.
Even in church people “try out” for the worship team. Some are chosen and others are told to go work on their skills….based on comparison.
There really is no getting away from it, unless you live in complete isolation from everyone else. And even then, you can’t get away from your own experiences and thoughts and some of them will be comparing you with someone else.
How To Manage Comparison
Romans 12 gives us some really good advice on how to deal with comparison.
“For through the grace given to me, I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think, but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly.” Romans 12:3–6b
- Our wise and loving God, out of His grace (His unmerited love and favor) decided which gifts we should have. That means you have valuable talents and abilities from God Himself. God Himself thought you were worth creating.
- Each grace given ability is important. Some are more visible than others. Some have greater influence. But every single God-gift is needed to fully demonstrate the reality of Jesus in the world.
- We all have different functions in Christ’s body, His people, His church. Even if you have the same ministry as someone else, it will still be unique because your personality, your gift percentages, and your passions will make you one of a kind….just right to help the people God has prepared for you to help.
- By thinking with sound judgement, when you “compare” what you are good at with what others are good at, it gives you insight as to where you can be the best you.
I can carry a tune, but when I hear how much better others sing than me, I know investing a lot of time and energy in improving my voice is not my best choice. I am better at writing and coaching than most, so by thinking with sound judgement, comparing myself for direction not value, I know where to focus my time and energy.
By using comparison from a place of security in Christ, I get better insights on what my areas of calling and service are.
Bottom Line: You can’t get away from comparison, so learn to use it wisely. Do not compare yourself with others to get self-worth and value.
From a place of recognizing you are already loved and valuable because you are God’s child and a unique, God-creation (God doesn’t make junk), then think with sound judgement. Notice what you are good at and what you’re not good at, then use that comparison to guide you into your place of greatest fruitfulness and fulfillment.
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