How To Recognize The Season You’re In
3 Steps To See What God is Working On In Your Life Right Now
At some point, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of trying to do your own plan, rather than God’s. You can greatly reduce the frustration and futility of pursuing the wrong path, but following some simple steps to “see” what God wants you to do.
One of Jesus’ Biggest Emphasis for Living
“Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel.” John 5:19–20
Jesus existed before time began with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but when He became a man He emptied Himself of His divinity and lived as a perfect, sinless, Spirit-filled man. (Philippians 2)
As a man in perfect, sinless relationship with the Father, the Father was able to show Him what He was doing on the earth at that time with that group of people. One of Jesus’ greatest keys to the abundant life He demonstrated was following God’s plan and only doing what the Father showed Him.
Before we get to the main point of this article, recognizing what God is doing during this season of your life, it’s helpful to notice a few important truths from this passage.
- The Father is actively working on planet earth. He is not the god of deism, who created the earth and then just lets it run on its own. Jesus was super active and He said He only did what He saw the Father doing, which means the Father is actively involved in our world and in our lives.
- As a man, Jesus knew the only way to live God’s purposes was out of fellowship with the Father and working where and how the Father was working. He lived a life dependent on relationship and guidance from the Father. (Modeling for us how we are designed to live.)
- If Jesus saw the Father doing it, He knew that is what He should then do.
- Jesus said part of the love relationship He had with the Father was insight, guidance, and revelation from the Father.
This is the ideal pattern for us Jesus-followers as well.
God Doesn’t Work On A Thousand Things at Once in Our Lives
God is the One who designed us, so He, better than anyone else knows how we best function. He knows we can only work on a few things at once; that is our capacity.
Famous leadership experts like Peter Drucker, Marshall Goldsmith, and Rick Warren have long taught others to work on one or two main goals every 3–6 months, otherwise we get overwhelmed and fail.
God’s goals for us are much better and bigger than we would ever come up with on our own (being formed into the image of Jesus is as high as it gets: Ephesians 4:15, Romans 8:29). But He doesn’t do it all at once and He doesn’t want us trying to work on a hundred different things at once because we simply do not have that capacity.
How Do We Recognize What God Wants Us to Focus on?
There are three simple steps that will give you clarity on what you should focus on during each season of your life. I go into these in much greater detail in some of my courses, but this will be enough to give you a really good start.
I’m assuming that you are prioritizing Jesus and His purposes, have surrendered your life to Him, and are doing your best to take action on what He shows you. Those are pre-requisites for these three steps to work.
- Look Up.
Consciously direct your attention to God. Lift up your focus to Him and what He can do; not the limitations of your ability or circumstances. As you focus on His power and purposes ask Him to open the eyes of your heart so you can know His purposes and will. (Ephesians 1:17–19).
Pray and ask God to show you, to fill you with the knowledge of His will.
2. Look In.
99% of the time God’s communication with you will be internal: in your mind and soul. Even if He gives you an angelic visitation, that angel will still communicate to you with words or pictures that go through your mind and soul.
So, as you ask God to show you what His will is during this season of life, pay attention to:
Very clear, strong thoughts that come to you that are in line with Scripture
Strong interests, desires, or passions that are godly and stick with you. Godly desires are one of the main ways God communicates with us. (Psalm 37:4)
Notice the people you are drawn to or problems that keep coming to mind that will change lives if solved. You don’t try to think about these people or problems, you just keep seeing them in prayer and/or in your day to day life.
3. Look Around.
Now look at the circumstances you find yourself in or the people who are in your life.
Have circumstances shut a door in your life (losing a job, moving, relational breakup, new government policy, etc.)?
Are new doors opening? (Invitation to join a group, start-up, new opportunity).
Has anything you’ve recently heard, read or seen made a strong impact on you? It keeps coming to mind, especially when you’re still or in prayer.
Sometimes God causes circumstances to be so strong, they almost force us into a new path.
- Caution: Do not use only circumstances to determine God’s will. Sometimes God tells us to do something during the worst possible times. When God told Exodus Israel to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land it was during the only time of the year that the Jordan had massive flooding.
When you put those three “looks” together: up, in, around they give strong clarity as to what God is focusing on and what He wants you to focus on during this season of your life.
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If you want clarity on how to know God’s unique purposes for your life, go to