How to Experience More Abundant Life in Jesus
How to Receive What God Has Already Given us in Christ
Are you like me where you sometimes struggle experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised?
One of my biggest spiritual challenges through the years is how do I experience more of what God says is mine in Christ.
I read all these incredible promises and all these powerful statements in Scripture about having already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. That, right now I am seated with Jesus in heavenly places. That I have been created anew in the likeness of God in holiness and truth. (Those statements are all in Ephesians 1,2, 4).
And those are but a few of “the riches of Christ” which Scripture teaches. (Ephesians 3:8)
You know the verse where Jesus said “the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)
So how do I connect with Jesus and cooperate with Jesus so those words can become more and more my reality?
I don’t have all the answers, but here are a few that I’m becoming more and more convinced of.
1. We become partakers of the divine nature through knowing Jesus and receiving His precious and magnificent promises. (2 Peter 1:3–4)
The promises of God, out of a relationship with Jesus, produce in us and around us the life of God. This is such a big topic, that in my study I printed out 9 full pages that all talk specifically about the promises of God.
God makes promises so we can know what He wants us to have.
2. Some Expression of Faith is How We Receive
Hebrews 6:12 tells us that “through faith and patience we inherit the promises of God.”
From what I can tell in studying Scripture, some expression of faith is the most common and most reliable way of turning the promises on the pages into experience in our lives.
We are saved by faith
Are built to live by faith, walk by faith, receive answers to prayer, endure hardship and trials, conquer enemies…..all by faith.
Faith is the pipeline through which the promises of God flow.
3. Our biggest faith battle is time and circumstances.
So many times, I’ll pray in faith, or take a faith based action but then when it doesn’t look like things are changing or it is taking so long I begin to doubt if it ever will happen….that’s when I lose the battle.
It’s like I have an unconscious timer and when the promise isn’t realized within that time frame, I give up.
Because this inner, faith battle is so common, God addressed it directly in Romans 4 when He shows us what Abraham did to win this battle.
I don’t have time to get into it here, but I would strongly encourage you to dig deep into verses 12–22 in Romans 4 for some very powerful insights on how to win the promise/faith battle.
Jesus died and rose again so we could have eternal, abundant life from Him.
Quick Summary
God’s promises are central to experiences that life, the divine nature.
We receive those promises through faith and patience.
The biggest faith battle we face is time and circumstances.
We can win that battle by following Abraham’s model.
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