How to Experience God Using the Bible
If you are hungry for more of the abundant life Jesus talked about, if you desire to experience God in a deeper, more life-changing way, what I’m about to share will help you do that and more.
My Personal, Present Mini-Revival
I’ve been a Jesus-follower and a serious student of the Bible for over 40 years. Even after all these years, I am currently experiencing a mini-revival in my own life….and it is wonderful!
I haven’t had an angel appear to me and I haven’t had a powerful experience during a church meeting (though those things do happen and if God wants me to have those, I would gladly welcome them).
What has happened, and this is something every single person can do, is through prayerful study of God’s word, I’ve seen some things in a fresh way and with fresh vision and insight comes spiritual energizing.
Fresh Vision = Real Growth and Change
The word of God, studied and prayed in the presence of God, is producing more of the life of God in me.
2 Corinthians 3:18 “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.”
James 1 tells us that God’s word is similar to God’s mirror. None of us directly sees the person of God, but we can see a measure of His glory being reflected to us in His Word. And simply “beholding, taking time to focus on Him in His words” has the power to transform us.
We do not directly see God, but we see the reflection of Him in His word and even that reflection has life transforming power..
Not only does beholding God in His Word change us, it changes us gradually into the image of Jesus,, “from glory to glory.”. Romans 8:29 tells us it is Gods plan and purpose that we be “conformed to the image of His Son”.
God designed all of us to be visionaries. God wants to give all of us a vision of what our life can be and what He has called us to do because we all follow what we see: first in our minds and secondarily with our physical eyes.
It’s been rightly said, we see with our hearts more than with our eyes.
That’s why Paul prayed that God would give all of us a “spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, that God would enlighten the eyes of our hearts.” Ephesians 1:17–18
We follow what we see. We become what we focus on.
When we focus on Jesus, particularly in His Word, the Holy Spirit takes those words and builds them into our souls, driving out false pictures and beliefs and replacing them with truth and glory.
This is such a powerful process that John even wrote, “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.” (1 John 3:2)
Right now, we see God’s glory as in a mirror, through His words. When Jesus comes back and we see Him exactly as He is in person, it will be so powerful that seeing Him will make us like Him. That’s how powerful just seeing, beholding Jesus is..
Again, seeing God is so powerful, it transforms us into His own image.
Seeing God in His Word is Changing Me; Powerfully!
So, this is what I’m experiencing. As I dig deeper into Scripture, right now I’m praying/studying my way through the book of Romans, I am being filled with new measures of “seeing Him in my mind and heart”, seeing His nature, His plans, His truths, His wisdom and it is changing me.
I am more motivated to spend time with Him. I am praying more and more deeply about His purposes on this planet and how I can do my part. I’m starting to reach out and share my faith more and had an incredible experience with a young man in the Wal-mart parking lot this week. My faith level, my clarity level, and my victory over temptation are increasing.
That can happen to you, too. Even if you’ve been at it for a long time. Remember, I’ve been a student of God’s word for over 40 years and I’m more excited about Jesus and His purposes than I’ve ever been.
It is so simple, but so powerful.
Take a passage of Scripture. Read it and begin to think deeply about what it says, what it means, what God wants to say to you through it.
Write down your thoughts in a spirit of prayer. Make it interactive with Jesus. Something like this:
“Jesus, this is what I’m seeing, am I seeing this correctly? Wow, thank you Jesus that Your plans for me are to be conformed to Your image! You are the highest level of life in existence in any dimension, and Your love is so great for me that You want me to be like You in quality of life and virtues!”
Then keep responding to Him as He gives you more insights, as He makes those truths real to you. As you keep beholding Him in His words, the Sprit will take them and build more of Jesus’ nature into your inner man.
You will be transformed from one level of glory to the next, experiencing more and more of the greatness and life of Jesus Himself!
If you want more resources on how to experience more of Jesus, experience more growth and transformation, and how to live out your unique purposes check out