God Made Important Plans for You BEFORE He Created the World
That’s How Much You Matter
One of the most life-changing truths of Scripture is that God has purposes and plans for your life.
These plans are so important and so well thought out that God made them before He even created the earth. That is what the Bible teaches.
Imagine that, before God created this planet with all it’s amazing, life-promoting details: He made specific plans for YOU!
“God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity, “
(2 Timothy 1:9)
1. You have a holy calling.
It’s not just the pastors of megachurches or evangelists speaking to huge crowds or worship leaders influencing millions through their songs: the Creator of the universe gave you and me a holy calling.
Whether your calling is to start profitable, customer-first businesses or train small children to live godly and growing lives, or build great buildings, or care for the sick…if you have received Christ, you have received God’s gift of eternal life in Jesus, then YOU have a HOLY CA:LLING.
It is so easy to slip into, “I don’t influence thousands or millions, what I do is not really that important.” But according to the word of God, YOU have a HOLY CALLING from God Himself, that comes directly out of the heart and mind of God.
You do not have a 2nd class calling. Your calling comes directly from the Creator Himself.
2. God Has Pillar Purposes He WILL accomplish
There are Scriptures woven throughout the Bible making clear God made this world on purpose and is working to fulfill His end-purposes.
Isaiah 46:10 “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”
Psalm 33:11 “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”
Though God works in a world where He has chosen to give us the ability to make choices and through man’s choice to disobey,
Satan was given power to steal, kill, and destroy; God is brilliant enough and powerful enough to take all those factors into account and still accomplish His purposes.
Day by day, God is working to fulfill what He has purposed and eventually it will happen.
3. Your Purposes are in Perfect Alignment with His Purposes.
God has the brilliance, power, and love to make individual plans for billions of people. He weaves them together so that we experience the highest quality of life (eternal life) and God accomplishes His amazingly good, kind, and joy-filled purposes.
Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6
Particularly Isaiah 40–60 talks about the new heaven and new earth where God’s righteousness, healing, and light rule and reign.
Revelation 21–22 gives us a short, but powerful glimpse of New Jerusalem, the bride of Christ, the Tree and River of Life, with God’s presence so strong and manifest that the sun and moon are no longer needed to provide light.
Eventually all the earth will be filled with God’s glory, and we get to play a part in helping that happen.
God placed us perfectly in time, place, and with the right gifts, talents, and personality to accomplish our part, our holy calling, in moving the needle a little more towards His end goal.
Imagine hundreds of millions, maybe billions of Jesus followers doing their “relatively” small part, coordinated by God Himself, to spread His kingdom in the middle of a world dominated by sin, Satan, and darkness. Hundreds of millions, day by day, making small differences over and over again.
We’ve seen what dripping water can do on a stone over time. Imagine hundreds of millions of us, taking action every day as kingdom of God agents in our field of influence!
You and I get to do that!
3..Your Holy Calling Comes out of God’s Grace
God did not have to create us. No one forced God to make plans and purposes for us.
The most loving, brilliant, powerful Being in existence, out of His kindness, love, and grace, decided we should be born.
If you’re like me, it’s easy to see all the flaws, all the things wrong with me. God knows about those things, that’s why He sent a Savior.
But He also sees what He designed us to be. Like a brilliant sculptor seeing in the marble a beautiful figure, God sees clearer than anyone else what we can be.
He has laid out a plan to shape us, form us, and grow us into the fullness of His purposes.
We didn’t earn this calling. Just as we did not earn the gift of eternal life, it is given freely to us through God’s grace. In the same way, the holy calling we have is not earned. We don’t do enough to be given this incredible privilege.
Again, it is a gift of God’s love and grace. We get to do important work, we get to be involved in the Cause of God. We don’t live meaningless lives. We live lives of importance, meaning, and difference making. All planned and empowered by the wonderful grace of God.
4. How to Respond
Because all we do in response to God’s grace and calling matters, yes, even the boring stuff (sweeping floors, filing papers, changing diapers, mowing the lawn); we give it our best.
Colossians 3:23–24 “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Jesus Christ you serve.”
Some days we’re more focused than others. Some days our energy levels or motivational levels are higher than others. That’s part of being human.
The important thing is to realize what we do matters. God has given every single one of us a HOLY CALLING. So do the best you can THAT day.
Sometimes it helps to imagine Jesus cheering us on.
What would your effort be like if you knew the Son of God was watching, encouraging you, and even interceding for you! (The Bible says He is doing all of those things, and more).
He is on your side! He believes in you so much, He gave you a specific, important role to play in His mission.
Receive it, embrace it, say yes to it because it is not wishful thinking; it is the holy truth.
As I wrap this up, let me remind you, God loves you just as you are.
He didn’t create you to be His little worker bee. He can do everything better than us. He created us to love us, have a relationship with us, and He gives us the divine privilege of being involved in His purposes…His mission…His cause.
God sees doing purposeful work as a good thing, something He Himself does.
As a loved son or daughter, a child of the King, you are working, doing your important part, fulfilling your holy calling to share God’s love, life, beauty, and wholeness to a lost and hurting world.
You have a great and holy Calling!
If you want more free resources on Knowing God Better, Experiencing Growth and Transformation, and Fulfilling Your Unique Purposes head over to www.TruVineMission.com