Are You Living Your Priorities Or Someone Else’s
It’s So Easy to Miss Your Purpose, Do This Instead
In my own following Jesus journey and In working with hundreds of people over 30 years, I’ve seen how important and challenging it is to take control of our priorities.
Consistent Pressure
When it comes to living our God-given Purposes and priorities there is a consistent Pressure to simply go with the flow. To stay with the routine, to do what we’ve always done.
The problem is, even though this is ultimately God’s world, decades after Jesus rose from the dead, defeating Satan ,taking the keys of death away from him, and ascending to the place of all authority and power, the Apostle John wrote these words,
“We know that we are of God, and that The whole world lies in the power of the evil one. And we have come to know that the Son Of God has come, and has given us Understanding so that we may know Him Who is true; and we are in Him who is True, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is The true God and eternal life.” (1 John 5:19–20)
Bullet Points
- Those who have received Jesus as Lord and Savior are spiritually united with Christ: we are in Him who is true.
- God gave us understanding so we can know Him. Through the Bible and the Spirit God gives us understanding about Himself and life that is found no where else.
- We are of God, we are born of God Christ lives in us and we live in Christ.
- The whole world still lies in the power of the evil one.
I don’t want to dive much deeper into all those important themes here. But I do want to emphasize that even with Jesus’ victory over sin, death, and Satan….
The enemy still has a lot of power here in a fallen world and in the lives of those who believe his words more than God’s.
So what has that got to do with living our purposes and priorities?
It’s simply this: we all still have to deal with the pull of sin in our minds and bodies and we have a very real enemy who tries to block us from living God’s plans.
We have to know this and proactively take steps to defeat it.
The good news is God has given us the power, tools, and resources to do so.
The bad news: too many sincere Christ followers do not know what those tools are, how to use them effectively, or how to draw on God’s strength to take positive action.
Clear Vision Required
It is hard to live the priorities we desire, even when we sincerely make inner commitments if we don’t first of all have a clear, energizing, customized vision of what God wants to do in us and through us.
I know that many Christian professionals, people who know how to get things done on the job, have a really hard time getting clear on what it is exactly that God wants them to focus on now.
How can you live your priorities if you don’t have a core, unifying theme, a purpose to provide clear direction or a finish line for our race? How do
we win the battle if we aren’t clear on the end objective?
The First Step
The first step in living our priorities is to get clear on what they are.
What does God want you to do with your life?
What matters most?
When you get clear on those foundational issue, THEN we can take steps to live them. Until then, the forces of the world and the desires of other people will control our time.
So let me ask you, do you know what God’s purpose is for this season of your life? Have you taken the time to get clear on what matters most?
That’s the first step.
If you want more free resources on living a Jesus-centered, Jesus-empowered life take a look at
If you are a Christian professional who wants a purpose reboot, check out resources at